Illustration of a smiling mortarboard hat

The ISAT made simple

Accentuating your natural ability

The ISAT or, International Student Admissions Test, is administered to international students across the globe applying for health programs at a selection of universities throughout Australia. It is not a subject-specific assessment, but draws instead on your ability to reason, make logical deductions, and form judgments based on given material. The test will call on you to read and think critically about passages of writing, interpret graphical displays of information, and draw conclusions from data tables.

Opening doors to your future career

Most elite universities Down Under require the ISAT of students applying to health programs like medicine, dentistry, occupational therapy and speech language therapy. Degrees in these fields are likely to garner higher wages, prestige, and elevated job satisfaction rates throughout your career.

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    Perfect tutor matches

    All the matches you received are guaranteed to be a great fit for you.

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    Personal learning consultant

    Get dedicated advice regarding classes, college admissions, and more.

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    Continuous feedback

    Valuable learning feedback and reports help you stay on track towards your goal.

How ISAT tutoring works on Gooroo

  1. Step 1

    Submit a request by telling us your needs and receive matches for free

  2. Step 2

    Choose a ISAT tutor you like from the matches we send you

  3. Step 3

    Receive feedback after each session and quarterly learning reports

Ready to unlock your potential in ISAT?

Request a Tutor for ISAT