Match with the perfect Python tutor for youin Los Angeles
Gooroo is an official vendor and partner of the NYC Department of Education.
How Gooroo works
Step 1
Tell us what you want to learn, and where and when you want to learn it
Step 2
Get your perfect tutor match, book them, and have a great session
Step 3
Receive timely and helpful feedback after every session
Featured Python tutors in Los Angeles
I enjoy working with students of all skill levels and value the opportunity to help someone understand, apply, and build on complex topics. I have helped many students succeed in their CS major and land internships and full-time positions at top engineering and technology companies.
— Graham P.
Columbia University
BA in Computer Science
I'm currently working as a software engineer at Facebook in NYC. My teaching style is to focus on critical thinking and thought processes over getting answers perfectly correct. I worked with students from brainstorming project ideas, setting up developer environments, architecting software design patterns, to coding their own applications.
— Eshan A.
Columbia University
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence
I like to teach by framing concepts/topics within a bigger picture and breaking down the pieces into easy-to-follow examples. My goal is to inspire students to find their passion for learning and equip them with the tools to help them help themselves once my time as their tutor has ended. I'm an information security consultant, marathon runner, and I love to teach.
— John P.
New York University
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
How Gooroo tutors teach Python
They teach practical skills that can get you started on your project right away
Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language, useful for all sorts of applications, small and large. Our Python tutors all have practical experience as software engineers and a strong academic background in computer science or engineering. They are open source contributors, top Stack Overflow users, and engineers in top tech companies. They are ready to help you get started with Python!
They help students go from basics to leveling up on their own
Our experienced Python tutors will help students by explaining the foundational logic and concepts of programming to them. In addition, Gooroo tutors help students get over common hurdles to learning Python, like setting up their development environment, running their first programs, and troubleshooting when they get stuck. This gets students off to a fast start as they have a mentor to guide them through areas where they are struggling. Our Python tutors teach students how to persevere when debugging, and how to continue to learn the language, solve problems, and grow as a programmer even after mastering the basics. They get students to a point where they can think on their own.
We set the bar for education that is honest, caring, and sustainable.
Unlike other companies, we strive to be transparent, pay our tutors top rates, and give back to the community.
Perfect tutor matches
All the matches you receive are guaranteed to be a great fit for you.
Continuous feedback
Valuable learning reports help you stay on track towards your goal.
Personal learning consultant
Get dedicated advice regarding classes, college admissions, and more.
Empowered and engaging tutors
Our tutors are well taken care of so they can completely focus on you.
What parents and students say
Gooroo makes it very easy to find a tutor. The customer service is excellent, and the tutors are very helpful to my kids. Gooroo saves you the headache of finding tutors. The Gooroo membership encourages them to get help from their Gooroo tutors without hesitation and has developed a regular tutor/study regime.
Phil P.
(Father of two daughters in high school)
Perfect match, guaranteed.
If you are not satisfied with your first session for any reason, let us know and we’ll give you a new tutor match and session for free!