Illustration of a smiling mortarboard hat

Demystifying the LSAT

Bringing Law School closer

Standardized tests can feel like an exercise in futility: learning to take a test, not how to succeed in your degree program, your subsequent career, or in life. But the LSAT is different: it effectively assesses the skills that you’ll be called upon to use, both in Law School and in your career as a lawyer.

The LSAT calls for proficiency in logical reasoning, analytical reasoning, reading comprehension, and analytical writing. Whether you’re a college senior who’s never read a piece of legislation before or a seasoned paralegal looking to advance your career to the next level, we have tutors who can help you achieve your academic goals.

A life in the law

The LSAT is an essential step in your path towards becoming a lawyer. Esteem, financial reward, intellectual stimulation, and the potential to impart a positive impact on society are all good reasons to pursue the practice of law.

A life in the law will challenge your thinking, demand the exercise of sharp reason and good judgment, and provide you the opportunity to uphold justice, law and order, and liberty. As rewarding as a career in law will be, make no mistake: the life of a lawyer is extraordinarily demanding. For every hour of court time you log, you may spend fifty hours reading, researching, and writing.

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    Personal learning consultant

    Get dedicated advice regarding classes, college admissions, and more.

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    Continuous feedback

    Valuable learning feedback and reports help you stay on track towards your goal.

How LSAT tutoring works on Gooroo

  1. Step 1

    Submit a request by telling us your needs and receive matches for free

  2. Step 2

    Choose a LSAT tutor you like from the matches we send you

  3. Step 3

    Receive feedback after each session and quarterly learning reports

Ready to unlock your potential in LSAT?

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