Illustration of a smiling mortarboard hat

The ISEE made simple

Performance over pressure

The ISEE offers tests at levels ranging from the 5th to 9th grade. Students in this age bracket often struggle with the pressure they feel to do well on what is likely their first entrance exam. At Gooroo, we approach ISEE tutoring with a commitment to sensitivity and dynamic learning that takes into account each student’s individual strengths and pain points. Studying for standardized tests doesn’t have to be like pulling teeth; in fact, with the right instruction it becomes a fun and engaging challenge.

The ISEE calls for proficiency in verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, reading comprehension, and mathematics achievement. Whether your student is a confident test-taker looking for a skill brush-up or someone who recoils at the very idea of standardized tests, we have tutors who can help them achieve their academic goals.

Unlocking opportunity with the ISEE

Elite private middle and high schools across the country use the ISEE to make admissions decisions. Entrance into these institutions can help pave the way to future academic and career success.

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    Perfect tutor matches

    All the matches you received are guaranteed to be a great fit for you.

  • Illustration of a headset

    Personal learning consultant

    Get dedicated advice regarding classes, college admissions, and more.

  • Illustration of a ribbon

    Continuous feedback

    Valuable learning feedback and reports help you stay on track towards your goal.

How ISEE tutoring works on Gooroo

  1. Step 1

    Submit a request by telling us your needs and receive matches for free

  2. Step 2

    Choose a ISEE tutor you like from the matches we send you

  3. Step 3

    Receive feedback after each session and quarterly learning reports

Ready to unlock your potential in ISEE?

Request a Tutor for ISEE