Teaching active voice to kids

Have you ever been inquisitive about what an active sentence is or what it signifies when someone uses the active voice? If this is the case, you are in luck since this helpful book has the solutions to all of your problems as well as many more. You will also discover a wealth of useful information, techniques, and resources for instructing your students in the utilization of this grammatical voice.

Active voice

The active voice is one in which the subject of the sentence really carries out the action. It is that is being described by the verb. It is common practice to place the subject of an active sentence before the verb; for example, “she went to school” is an example of such a statement. It is not the same as the passive voice. Which is when the subject is the one who has impact by the action of the verb.

First things first, let’s begin with a clear explanation of the term. A sentence in the active voice is active sentence. The subject of a sentence takes part in the activity being described by the verb when the sentence is written in the active voice. The action is completed before the object, which serves as the recipient of the action.

In contrast to the passive voice, which places the subject of a sentence after the verb, the active voice places the object of the phrase before the verb. When using the passive voice, the focus is placed not on the verb or subject being spoken but rather on the item that has the action done to it.

Characteristics of the active voice

Active sentences are those that have emphasis on action. And are in the form of “A does B.” This is the easiest method to explain what an active sentence is. Additionally, they are often shorter sentences. It is that have an effect that is understandable to the reader. Because both the topic and the action are brought into sharp focus in active sentences, using them is a helpful approach to making one’s writing more compelling. This is a technique that works particularly well in fictional narratives.

When we look at the characteristics of the active voice and compare them to those of the passive voice, we can observe that the passive voice contains a great deal more indirect language. It is not the thing that is doing the action that is the primary focus of the sentence. Rather, it is the thing that has impact by the activity. This is by making the object the most significant component of the phrase.

Active voice structure

When it comes to writing, using an active tone of voice rather than a passive one is more effective. But how exactly can you do that? If you follow this easy procedure when creating sentences, it will be much easier for you to remember to write in the active voice (or to revise your previous work so that it is written in the active voice):

Following the subject and the verb comes the object, and finally, the object comes last. Once you begin composing sentences with more complicated structures. It is natural that it will be more challenging for you to stick to these three processes. In spite of this, the fundamentals remain the same regardless of how many conjunctions are in the phrase.

About the Author

Lisa Lee

Lisa Lee

I am a Parsons School of Design graduate with a certified teacher's license. At Gooroo, my passion is to educate students through an artist's approach, which requires critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving. During the elementary years, I think that students broaden their perspective and expression through art, and this skill can be applied to any other fields of study later on. I believe that a true educator can be the key to unlocking every child's potential. Gooroo is a tutoring membership that matches students to tutors perfect for them based on their unique learning needs. Gooroo offers Math, English, SAT, Coding, Spanish tutoring, and more.