Confidence Building Exercises and Mantras

confidence mantra: yes you can

Do you trust your own judgement? Do you have confidence in your capacities and abilities? In today’s blog, we focus on self-esteem: what it is, why you need it, and how to gain it. Keep reading to learn exercises and mantras perfect for instilling and encouraging your self-worth. 

What is Confidence?

Confidence appears as a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities and judgment. It’s about valuing yourself, regardless of any imperfection you or others might perceive. Self-efficacy and self-esteem are off-shoots of this trust. 

The Benefits of Confidence

Having confidence make you happier. But, how? Well, it encourages: 

Exercises and Mantras

Do you want to build up your self-esteem? Then, check out these exercises and mantras.

How to Appear More Confident

Sometimes you need to fake it to make it. Appearing confident encourages that behaviour to become second nature. Confidence comes from:


Words are powerful creatures. Use these mantras to help boost your confidence!


  1. Worth the extra effort.
  2. Choosing positive thoughts.
  3. In control of my actions.
  4. Responsible for myself.
  5. Powerful.

Additionally, setting healthy habits will vitalise self-worth. Exercising and eating healthily are great ways to feed your mind and your body the nutrients they need to perform at their best. What’s more, this is a great way to learn a new skill, encourage a new hobby, and/or pick up a new recipe! You are worthy and life is worth it.

About the Author

Lydia B.

Lydia B.

Lydia B. is a Marketing Coordinator and Music Club Coach for Gooroo, a tutoring membership that matches students to tutors perfect for them based on their unique learning needs. Gooroo offers Math, English, SAT, Coding, Spanish tutoring, and more.